Birding in the Region of Valencia

Birds in the Region of Valencia

The Region of Valencia has great natural resources and an attractive elevated landscape for the practice of birding: the observation of birds in their natural habitats. Large protected areas included in the Natura 2000 Network, with 22 Natural Parks and more than 40 Special Protection Areas for Birds (SPA). Here we can find all kinds of landscapes: mountainous areas with elevations of more than 1800 meters, deep riverside canyons, coastal wetlands, marshes and ancient forests.

This great diversity of ecosystems means that more than 300 different species of birds can be observed throughout the year. The Region of Valencia, strategically located on the pre and post-nuptial migratory routes between Northern Europe and Africa, is a prominent breeding and wintering site of incalculable value on account of the number and diversity of its species. 

In addition to all of these natural attractions, there is also an abundance of cultural, historic, architectural and, of course, gastronomic heritage present in the Region of Valencia. In addition to the good accessibility, infrastructures and accommodation accessible to all nature lovers, the Region of Valencia has become a fascinating destination for birdwatching lovers.

Birding Comunitat Valenciana

Birding Comunitat Valenciana is a nature tourism website developed by Turisme Comunitat Valenciana and specially dedicated to the promotion of bird tourism in the Region of Valencia. In its different sections you can find all kinds of information related to the different species of birds, habitats, birdwatching routes and itineraries and places of special interest for the observation of birds, highlighting the Natural Parks and other areas designated for bird watching.

Birding Comunitat Valenciana is a program which provides a network of different service providers (birdwatching guides, specialised accommodations, photography hides, travel agencies, tourist offices...), who are responsible for offering all kinds of experiences and services to travellers who visit the Region of Valencia for the fascinating activity of birdwatching.

Specialised companies




Birding Comunitat Valenciana

Tinença de Benifassà Natural Park

Prat de Cabanes-Torreblanca Natural Park

Desert de les Palmes Natural Park

Illes Columbretes Natural Park

Penyagolosa Natural Park

Albufera Natural Park

Las Hoces de Cabriel Natural Park

Puebla de San Miguel Natural Park

Sierra Calderona Natural Park

Turia Natural Park

Lagunas de La Mata and Torrevieja Natural Park

Sierra de Espadán Natural Park

Salinas de Santa Pola Natural Park

El Fondo Natural Park

Marjal de Pego-Oliva Wetland Natural Park

Chera-Sot de Chera Natural Park

Font Roja Natural Park

Serra Mariola Natural Park

Penyal d'Ifac Natural Park

Serra Gelada Natural Park

Montgó Natural Park

Serra d'Irta Natural Park and Irta Marine Nature Reserve

Clot de Galvany Municipal Nature Reserve

"Pilarica-Sierra de Callosa" Municipal Nature Reserve

"Los Calderones" Municipal Nature Reserve

Río Tuéjar Nature Reserve

"Rambla Celumbres" Municipal Nature Reserve

"Sierra de las Aguilas y San Pascual" Municipal Nature Reserve

"Racó del Frare" Municipal Nature Reserve

ZEPA Mecca - Mugrón - San Benito

Zepa Moratillas, Almela and Els Alforins

Magic & Nature

Birdwatching Spain

Parador de turismo El Saler


Valencia Birding


Visit Natura


Hotel Gran Playa

L' Alqueria del Pilar

Birdwatching routes in Cofrentes

Birdwatching route in Ayora - Ascent of Montemayor

Hotel la Laguna Spa & Golf

Sunrise & Love Apartments

Santa Pola Salt Museum Route

El Pinet de Santa Pola Route

Casa Rural de Carlos

#Ademuzconlos5sentidos. Rutas ornitológicas

El cabo del faro de Cullera

Hostal El Perello


Hotel Meridional

Bullent birdwatching route in Pego

Racons, birdwatching route in Pego

Ruta ornitológica de Quesa

Ruta ornitológica de Bicorp

Ruta ornitológica de Navarrés

Numenius. Nature in Context


Acentor alpino

¿Qué aves podemos ver en las montañas valencianas en invierno?

Las cumbres de las montañas valencianas son un territorio espectacular para disfrutar del #birdwatching en la temporada invernal.

EL Benicadell

Imagen del cartel del documental Patches

La cerceta pardilla, protagonista de un interesante y premiado documental

¡Estamos de enhorabuena!. 

Tractor fangueando en los arrozales. Virgilio Beltrán

Tiempo de fanguear en la Albufera

Es tiempo de fanguear en la Albufera, momento de disfrutar del espectáculo de las aves

Cientos de gaviotas reidoras, garcillas bueyeras, garcetas comunes y moritos, aprovechan la estela que dejan las enormes ruedas en forma de jaula de los tractores, tratando de encontrar su alimento en el barro removido (fangueig).